Pacific Linguistics, established in 1963 through an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund, is associated with the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at The Australian National University. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Sunan Kalijaga Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan moral dalam dongeng di majalah Bobo tahun 2006 dan mengetahui relevan tidaknya dengan pendidikan akhlak.Pacific Linguistics 581 Pacific Linguistics is a publisher specialising in grammars and linguistic descriptions, dictionaries and other materials on languages of the Pacific, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, East Timor, southeast and south Asia, and Australia. Febriana Sari Utami, Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Moral Dalam Dongeng Di Majalah Bobo tahun 2006 (Relevansinya Dengan Pendidikan Akhlak).
Pustaka Panasea, Yogyakarta.DAFTAR PUSTAKA LAMPIRAN I Personalia Penelitian Lampiran I1 Sinopsis Cerpen Anak. Misalnya, di ambil dari koran, majalah, internet, dicantumkan di Daftar Pustaka sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab.John Bowden, Malcolm Ross and Darrell Tryon (Managing Editors), I Wayan Arka, David Nash, Andrew Pawley, Paul Sidwell, Jane SimpsonArizu Kazura - Daftar Penulis : Baca bukunya, dapatkan inspirasi tak terhingga. Seorang penulis sering kali menggunakan referensi dalam penulisan. Oleh Djardji Zaidan Salinan oleh Mahjuddin Sjaf Penerbit Balai Pustaka 1958.Ya, daftar indeks itu penting & sangat membantu pembaca untuk mengetahui tokoh-tokoh tertentu yang ditulis di dalam buku. Lubis Penerbit CV Budi Baik 1975 40 hal Halaman lengkap Daftar isi. Publications are refereed by scholars with relevant expertise, who are usually not members of the editorial board.
Xiii DAFTAR GAMBARKaren Adams, Arizona State University Alexander Adelaar, University of Melbourne Peter Austin, School of Oriental and African Studies Byron Bender, University of Hawai‘i Walter Bisang, Johannes GutenbergUniversität Mainz Robert Blust, University of Hawai‘i David Bradley, La Trobe University Lyle Campbell, University of Utah James Collins, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bernard Comrie, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Universitas Atma Jaya Matthew Dryer, State University of New York at Buffalo Jerold A. DAFTAR PUSTAKA LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN. Terbit, majalah BOBO memuat 4 sampai 6 buah cerit pendek clan 1 dongeng.PENGGUNAAN DESAIN GRAFIS PADA MAJALAH HIDAYATULLAH SEBAGAI MEDIA DAKWAH DALAM MENARIK MINAT BACA MAD’U DI BANDAR LAMPUNG Skripsi Diajukan untuk Melengkapi Tugas-tugas dan Memenuhi Syarat-syarat. Panggambaran Alur dalam Sastra Anak dalam Majalah Bobo Edisi.
Thus when I began to collect materials for this study I intended it to provide useful information for teachers of the language, as well as others interested in the language, there being no other detailed description of colloquial speech available. However, they have been hampered by the very limited resources available and, for many non-native teachers, by their own lack of knowledge of everyday speech, having themselves been taught only the formal language. Happily, for some time now, as distinct from when I studied Indonesian, there has been greater willingness among teachers to incorporate some study of colloquial language in their courses. Puzzled that I had not been made aware of this as a student, I came to realise that non-Indonesian teachers of the language were by-and-large unaware of the diglossic nature of Indonesian, while native-speaker teachers of the language either denied the existence of social variation or stated that ‘substandard’ language should not be taught. Only much later did I become aware that the language differed significantly according to the social context (a situation known as diglossia).
Most of the language, in both grammar and vocabulary, is common to both varieties. While one can make a statement of formal Indonesian which omits any reference to the purely informal variety the reverse is not possible. But as I began to analyse data it soon became apparent that this would not be practical.