
What is the proper fov for 1920x1080
What is the proper fov for 1920x1080

Like all high quality instrumentation, they are designed and intended to be serviced and stay in service for a very long time with proper ergonomics and user satisfaction. IMO, it is a waste of time and all related to use anything less for this kind of work. These do meet the optical and lighting requirements and are adaptable for camera set ups. These often do not have a large enough stage with the stability and movement range required for wafer work. The alternatives are a good metallurgical microscope with bright field / dark field made by Zeiss, Nikon, Olympus, Reichert, Zeiss Jena or Leica Micro Systems. nearly 50 pounds of high precision German made optical instrument. Shipping will be expensive due to it's extremely fragile nature and weight. They look like this: Ergolux in good condition with a complete set of proper optics and lighting can be purchased for $1000 or less USD depending on condition optics and all that. For camera imaging, make sure to get the ergo trinocular tube specifically designed for optical viewing and a camera port. The standard objectives for these are NPL, the higher quality objectives are Fluotar which are "semi APO". These are designed for wafer inspection using bright field & dark field illumination with infinity corrected objectives and ICR prism option can be had if needed. maintt/custom.cfgĦ.Suggest the industry standard for a long time. Seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"ģ. replace content of newconfig.cfg in each main folder with: Seta r_customheight "1080" //set these variables to whatever you want the resolution to beīind "HOME" "fov 140" //set fov for multimonitors or cheatingīind "PGUP" "fov 90" //set fov for widescreenīind "PGDN" "fov 75" //set fov to defaultĢ. To add these settings upon booting the game and set to "best" graphics: You can say - "there is tutorial like this on forum" - no! It is very similliar but without one very important thing: settings that you set will always change to default and resolution not be working because you must start a new game - it's create a new profile in save's folder. If you want play expansion: remove unnamedsoldier.cfg from all the 3 folders and repeat points from 1. You must repeat this on every loaded level. After you finish, save the file and launch the game - you can play now! If you want to change the FOV, open the console when level is loaded and type: fov 90 - hit enter. Of course you can set resolution that you want, my is only an example. On the bottom of the text add this lines: Now go to the proper folder and edit unnamedsoldier.cfg with notepad.ĥ. Start new campaign and after game save your progress - quit.Ĥ. Set your video/audio/controlls settings but don't change the default resolution!ģ. In each of this folders you got folder config with file unnamedsoldier.cfg inside it (if you don't have this file then launch the game - it will create it). We will operate on three folders in main directory of game. How to set custom resolution (widescreen) and be sure that game will save and not change our settings? In the internet you can only find solution to main game, I founded it to Spearhead and Breakhrought. Please stick this thread, cause I've spent a lot of time for finding this solution.

What is the proper fov for 1920x1080